Welcome to Club Nihon Simulation.
Thanks for coming by and please have a seat while I explain what this site is about and the goals I wish to accomplished with this site. About this site:This site focus mainly on board wargames produced in Japan. There are already alot of good board wargaming sites on the web and I do not wish to duplicate their efforts. But as far as I know, I have not yet seen an English site focusing on Japanese produced wargames. If you do a search on any of those good wargaming sites about Japanese wargames, you can only find little information on the subject. I hope that this site can fill in the gap and provide some information on those Japanese wargamesDue to good fortune I have last year, and an expenditure of a good sum of money (my wallet is still recovering from the amount spent), I have been able to acquire copies of some Japanese produced wargames (mainly Science Fiction Anime games). Thus, I am able to share some information with you about these games (from my collection). But since I have limited monetary resource, I would need your help to provide information on those games that I don't have. I hope that this site can generate enough interest and help, so that more information can be obtained on those hard to find (in the US so to speak) Japanese wargames. Furthermore, since I consider myself a game player and not a collector, I would like to find other players who are interested, and setup email or face to face games with me or against each other. This site can act as a gathering place for wargamers who are interested in Japanese wargames If you are new to wargaming, there are a lot of sites available out there that talks about general wargaming, how to start playing and other interesting information about wargames. Please go to the links page and visit those sites. However if you are interested in Japanese Animation and also games based on those Animation series, you can go to my SF and Anime wargame page and find reviews and information on those games. If you are a historical wargame player, you can visit my historical wargame page and find out more on interesting historical wargames produced in Japan. NOTE: The historical wargames page is not functional yet. For players who are interested in playing those games, please visit my players area and see if you can find a player or two to play with you. Even I myself will be available for a game or two. Replay of these games will also be posted on the respective games area and the collection of all replays will be available in the players area as soon as they are available. The downloads area will feature stuffs like rules translation, custom rules, rules extention, expended information and counters for downloading etc. And you can send me email comments, suggestions or even information using the comments button on each page. Goals of this site:The main goals of this site are: